Should your brand be on Threads, Instagram’s answer to Twitter?

A new social platform! Literally every social media manager today:

So we’re going to do that content marketing thing and pose the obvious question: Should your brand jump on Threads, Instagram’s challenger to Elon’s Inferno (aka Twitter)? Or should you let it float past like a drunk vandal’s abandoned e-scooter meandering gently down the Yarra?

Who the hell knows. I’ve long thought Twitter could be a great place for brands that know how to lighten up and speak to people, but not many are capable. It will be the same on Threads. Here are some theories and deep thinky stuff that could help you make that decision either way. 

What is Threads by Instagram?

It’s Twitter made by Instagram made by Meta. It’s a short text social media platform that is challenging Twitter now that it’s a bit crap. For the full rundown from the horse’s mouth, read this article from Meta here.

Theory 1: Yes, you already have followers there

Threads is brought to you by none other than the Zuck himself. Meta has attached it to Instagram, which means when you download the app and start building your profile, you have the option to automatically follow all of your Instagram friends in one go. And if they start a Threads profile, they too will get that option. So it’s a mutual following thing. 

You’re not starting from scratch, like a new cult or something. It eliminates the challenge of starting with nothing on new platforms, such as TikTok. It provides brands with instant access to an audience that is already familiar with their content, making it easier to maintain and expand their reach.

Theory 2: Yes, there’s solid organic reach to be had for early birds

Y’all got any more of that free reach? 

By leveraging Threads as an early adopter, brands can capitalise on the initial phase when organic reach is abundant. As more users join the platform, engaging with them becomes an opportunity to establish your brand’s presence and build a loyal following. 

But as they say in heartbreak songs and most Disney animated movies when they kill off a parent straight away, good things never last. Great organic reach will diminish over time, especially when the ads start rolling in.

Theory 3: Yes, if your company is a brand builder

If your goal is to build brand awareness and mental/physical availability over time, this platform could be for you. If you have a tone of voice that lends itself to building/conversing with communities or being there in the moment and making them laugh/cry/emotional etc, then Threads could be a thing for you. Think brands like Queensland Health, Wendy’s, McDonalds, Australian Electoral Commission, politicians, news outlets and more.

If you’re a sales-oriented business and just want money now, jog on.

Theory 4: No, ain’t nobody got time for that! 

Launching and maintaining a presence on Threads requires a significant investment of time and resources. And social media managers are already stretched most of the time.

You need sufficient attention and effort to consistently engage with the community, create solid emotional content, and respond to users when they engage. Does your team have the capacity to resource Threads alongside everything else? Or are they already like this guy?

Theory 5: No, we do not know its final form

As with all things social media, they will change the rules on you and your reach, engagement, position, and anything else you rely on is at the mercy of a platform. If that makes you anxious, bail out baby.

The verdict?

Early adopters with an existing brand voice and audience who can commit resources to doing it can do good things on Threads. But will it be effective? Will it shift things for your business? I’m going to say not without treating it like a share of voice activity. Big brands will be here and do the good things well to make an impact, small brands will dip their toes and toss it in the bin after a few days or months. 

Kind of like Twitter.

Get yourself a slice of the action

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