What’s Watt is helping to spark conversations about Queensland’s energy mix


October 28, 2021

What's Watt

Stanwell is one of Queensland’s largest energy providers, and helps to keep the lights on across the state. As the energy market transitions to more renewable energy types, Stanwell has the responsibility of ensuring energy reliability and affordability. As a brand, it also has an opportunity to help educate audiences about the transition, the energy sources that make up today’s market and potential energy sources of the future.

Engaging audiences online to empower energy choices

Research funded by Stanwell in early 2020 found that energy companies in Queensland lacked trust due to a lack of understanding about the energy industry, misunderstandings about pricing, a lack of clarity about the role fossil-fuel generation plays in the market of today, and challenges in the national electricity market into the future. Specifically, the research found that awareness and knowledge of Queensland’s energy supply chain is limited, and the issue of how electricity is generated and how it gets to their home is not something consumer audiences have thought much about.

Inspired to take action, Stanwell engaged The Content Division to strategically develop and execute an online publishing platform to educate audiences. Enter What’s Watt, Stanwell’s energy explainer platform that aims to answer any and all questions about energy in Queensland from an unbiased perspective.

What's Watt

What’s Watt launched in late 2020 and has tackled topics from how energy is generated at Stanwell Power Station to how wind and solar energy work, ways to measure and manage your home electricity, and how to interpret your power bills. The website publishing platform has quickly grown from hundreds of views per month to thousands of views per month, and social posts on the Stanwell channels have engaged hundreds of thousands of Queenslanders.

Stanwell has worked through addressing a number of core topics that came out of their research, including understanding electricity bills and what renewable energy sources mean for Queensland’s energy industry. New articles are published almost weekly and are promoted via Stanwell’s social media channels to reach and engage Queensland homeowners, business clients and Stanwell’s communities. And we’re just getting started.

Let’s get on the same page!

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