Unpicking the stories of the country’s ethical fashion brands 


January 27, 2022

The Quick Unpick

2020 was a year to be remembered. For Ethical Clothing Australia, it marked the 20th anniversary of its accreditation program. But with in-person events and celebrations off the cards, the organisation looked to online mediums to engage with its audience and promote members.

Working with sustainable fashion publication Britt’s List, Ethical Clothing Australia engaged The Content Division to devise and develop a podcast series in celebration of the 20th anniversary. Over a series of episodes, Britt’s List editor Brittanie Dreghorn spoke to a number of ECA-accredited Australian businesses who are manufacturing locally – helping to support the Australian Textile Clothing & Footwear (TCF) Industry through protecting garment worker rights, skills, and ensuring their garments are made with strong ethical values.

The Quick Unpick

Stitching it all together

Interstate travel wasn’t an option, so podcast interviews were all to be held over video call. The Content Division’s fit-for-purpose podcast studio was used to host and record the host side of the interview to provide consistency in the audio, and each episode was planned, recorded and edited in house. We also worked with Ethical Clothing Australia and Britt’s List on the branding of the podcast, visual assets for individual episode promotion, podcast hosting and reporting.

Making (sound) waves

The podcast was rolled out as an episode a day during the inaugural Ethical Clothing Australia Week across the Ethical Clothing Australia and Britt’s List digital channels. Nine episodes featured a launch event panel and individual one-on-ones with brands accredited by Ethical Clothing Australia. Individual podcast artwork for each episode helped to gain exposure across the featured brands’ channels and drove interest and listenership in the podcast.

Listen here.

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